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    New guidance on packaging and labeling has caused a stir in our market and opens the discussion... see more

    New guidance on packaging and labeling has caused a stir in our market and opens the discussion for more packaging related considerations.  As an industry, cannabis legalization in the US has been called out for the enormous amount of waste in packaging, and supply chain disruptions have many operators reconsidering their packaging solutions for the years ahead. [ MJ Biz Daily ]

    The desire of both operators and consumers to find eco-friendly packaging for cannabis products has never been more on the forefront.  During our Q4 Springfield Meetup on 11/30, our panel will discuss the nuances around packaging and changing regulations, but as a primer for that topic, we wanted to share industry-wide resources with our membership.  

    Coming into our event on Tuesday, here are a few important call outs on the topic:

    • Consumers are aware of the vast waste they see in cannabis and are vocalizing desires to make buying decisions that include eco-awareness and sustainability.

    • Disparate regulations from state to state change frequently and depending on the state rules, there are requirements for outer packaging, child resistant adherence, and ever-changing label specifications.

    • There are differences in terminology - eco-friendly, sustainable, or carbon neutral and the packaging itself is not necessarily the only part of the equation.  

    • Domestic sourcing of packaging can have its own impact on eco-friendly perceptions but also assist in current supply chain issues.

    • Solutions for recycling programs and disposal of waste are being piloted in different regions and consumers are open-minded about doing their part to reduce, reuse, and recycle. 

    Ready to talk more about this?  Bring your questions and concerns to Springfield - we look forward to hearing from you!

     November 24, 2021